Responsible Technology Use and Cell Phone Policy

Thursday, August 30, 2024 

Subject: Responsible Technology Use and Cell Phone Policy

Dear Maple Run Families,

We are excited to welcome back our Maple Run students and hope everyone in our community had a wonderful summer break. As we begin a new school year, I want to take this opportunity to highlight the newly adopted Maple Run Unified School District Student and Family Handbook, which outlines our district-wide expectations in alignment with our mission. This handbook has been distributed to your student and is also available on our Maple Run website.

In this letter, I want to specifically address our expectations regarding Responsible Technology Use and the Maple Run Student Cell Phone Use Procedure. We believe it is important to work together with all Maple Run students and families to understand the guidelines around responsible technology use. Research has shown that students learn best when they are free from technology distractions. At the same time, we recognize that technology is a vital part of our daily lives, and it is essential that we teach our students how to use it responsibly. It is about finding the right balance.  

Clear technology use expectations that Maple Run is looking to uphold:

To help maintain a focused, safe, and respectful learning environment, we ask that students refrain from bringing their cell phones to school. If students need to contact their parents during the day, they may ask their teacher for permission to use one of the school phones.  If parents need to contact their child urgently, they can call the school, and a staff member will assist in connecting them with their child.

  • For students in grades Pre-K through 8, if parents choose to send their children to school with cell phones, please note that students will be asked to turn off their phones and keep them in their backpacks throughout the school day. While the decision to bring a cell phone is entirely up to the parents, the school cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage. If a cell phone is seen or heard during school hours, it will be collected and kept in the principal's office until a parent or guardian can pick it up.

  • For students in grades 9-12, cell phones may be used during passing periods and lunch times, and for instructional purposes only, with explicit direction from the teacher.

We encourage you to discuss these expectations with your child to ensure a clear understanding of our policies. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Thank you for your support and cooperation in making our schools a positive and productive learning environment.

Warm Regards,

Bill Kimball

Superintendent of Schools