Program Information:
Automotive Technology is designed to provide training and experience in the principles of automotive diagnosis and repair. Areas of study in this program include:
Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
Manual Drive Train and Axles
Steering and Suspension
Electrical Systems and Electronics
Heating and Air Conditioning
Engine Performance
Advanced students use cutting edge technology and equipment to diagnose problems with starting and charging systems, ignition and fuel systems, and computerized engine control systems. This program combines in-depth theory with extensive hands-on training in our well-equipped National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation Certified auto lab. Students will learn basic and advanced technical skills and essential worker traits to secure and retain employment in automotive and other related fields.
The Automotive Technology program has articulation agreements with Central Maine Community College, Lake Region State College, Ohio Technical College, Universal Technical Institute and University of Northeastern Ohio.
Course Prerequisites
Automotive Technology I
This class is an option for students in grades 10 through 12 with grade-level proficiency in English.Automotive Technology II & III*
This class is an option for all students who have participated in and met Automotive Technology I proficiencies.
*Students will be enrolled with instructor permission in Cooperative Education / Work Based Learning.
Course Offerings
Credentials & Training |
Air Conditioning Certification |
Equipment & Engine Training Council Small Engine Technology Cert. |
Lift it Right Program |
NATEF Automotive Service Excellence |
Safety, Pollution & Prevention Training |
Snap-on Electrical Multimeter Certification |
Vermont State Inspection License |
Toyota T-TEN Training Program |
Valvoline Vehicle Maintenance Certification |
Vermont General Service Technician |
College Credit |
Central Maine Community College: |
Electrical (2 credits) |
Engine Performance (2 credits) |
Suspension and Alignment (3 credits) |
Doug Nelson
Instructor | Automotive Technology
(802) 527-0614
Dan Laroche
Lab Supervisor | Automotive Technology
(802) 527-6518