Maple Run Health Watch (Updated 9/6/21)

See the Maple Run Dashboard for the current numbers of reported COVID cases in the schools

Congratulations, we officially completed our first full week back to school.  It was fantastic seeing students walking to school, playing on the playground, and scrimmaging in the fields.  While this weekend may seem like the summer's final celebratory weekend, the Fall has so much more to offer.  As we gather back together to work and play, please keep in mind the following health tips:

  • Do not come to school if you are sick with any symptoms you normally would not have.  If you are unsure, stay home and call one of our school nurses for advice. Signs to stay home with are cough, fever, runny/congested nose, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, body aches, fatigue, or headache.  

  • What happens if my child has symptoms at home or gets sick in school?

  • If a COVID-19 test is recommended:

    • It must be a PCR test, not a rapid antigen test. 

    • Stay home and quarantine as directed by the school nurse/Admin./health dept. until your results are back.

    • Notify the school nurse before returning to school for clearance.

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Oh No, I'm A close Contact!!

Don't worry; we will help you with the process!

  • If you are identified as a close contact:  (Not vaccinated )

    • Stay home and quarantine as directed by the school nurse/administration/health dept.

    • Test for COVID-19 seven to ten days from last exposure.

    • If you are symptomatic, you may test earlier than seven days but must repeat again on day seven or later if the first test is negative.

    • If you choose not to test you must quarantine for 14 days after your last exposure.   

  • If you are identified as a close contact:  (Fully Vaccinated and symptom-free)

    • You do not need to quarantine and test if it has been two weeks or more since your final vaccination.  We do recommend that you monitor your symptoms and test 3-5 days after the last exposure.  If you choose to test, you do not need to quarantine while your test is pending and may return to full activity as long as you are symptom-free.  If you experience symptoms, quarantine, and test right away or as directed by nurse/admin./health dept.

This letter is intended to keep you up to date and current with our school community's health.  Next week look forward to learning more about COVID surveillance testing at your school.  Surveillance testing will not be mandatory, and it is a free service for all students/staff, either vaccinated or unvaccinated.  Stay tuned. 

Valarie Lipka, RN, Covid-19 Coordinator