Maple Run Unified School District strives to provide a curriculum that allows students and teachers to meet or exceed the Vermont School Quality Standards. Some of the ways we do this are:
Design, implementation, and evaluation of PreK-12 curricula, instructional programs, and assessment systems
Coordinate professional learning experiences for professional staff
Development, coordination, and management of state and federal grant programs
Coordinate and report out on Supervisory Union assessment and accountability results
Coordinate services for English Language Learners
Coordinate services and supports for homeless students
Common Core State Standards – English Language Arts
The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (“the Standards”) are the culmination of an extended, broad-based effort to fulfill the charge issued by the states to create the next generation of K–12 standards in order to help ensure that all students are college and career ready in literacy no later than the end of high school.
Common Core State Standards – Mathematics
For over a decade, research studies of mathematics education in high-performing countries have pointed to the conclusion that the mathematics curriculum in the United States must become substantially more focused and coherent in order to improve mathematics achievement in this country. To deliver on the promise of common standards, the standards must address the problem of a curriculum that is “a mile wide and an inch deep.” These Standards are a substantial answer to that challenge.
Next Generation Science Standards
Through a collaborative, state-led process managed by Achieve, new K–12 science standards have been developed that are rich in content and practice, arranged in a coherent manner across disciplines and grades to provide all students an internationally benchmarked science education.
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
Smarter Balanced is a state-led consortium developing assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards in English language arts/literacy and mathematics that are designed to help prepare all students to graduate high school college- and career-ready. This assessment replaced the NECAP assessments in mathematics and reading in the fall of 2015.
Standards for Mathematical Practice Progression through Grade Levels
This document, produced by the Arizona Department of Education, details the progression of the Common Core State Standards Mathematical Practice Standards from grades K-8 and in high school.
Achieve the Core
This site contains a wealth of information on depth and breadth of the Common Core State Standards by focusing on the major work in each grade K-8.
A Statement from NCTM on Procedural Fluency in Mathematics
Shared Units of Study
3rd Grade Science (contributed by Lisa Conger and Liz Calcagni - SATEC)
4th Grade Science (contributed by Lisa Conger and Liz Calcagni - SATEC)