MRUSD District Communications Agreement
Communications are an integral part of our District. Learning opportunities are often active, student-centered, and innovative experiences.
As our students develop the knowledge, skills, and attributes needed to prepare them for the next stage of their lives, we often document and celebrate their learning through the use of digital and print media.
Photography and video are best at capturing these learning moments and sharing our stories.
As a District, we are actively using:
The MRUSD school websites
Twitter: @MapleRunUSD
Flyers/annual reports/handbook/etc.
The Maple Run Unified School District does not require parents to sign a form giving the District permission to share images of students’ likeness or artistic work to be used in printed, televised, and web-based communication.
*Parents who wish to request otherwise should communicate in writing or email with their school's principal. This opt-out process must be completed each year.