Club Interact

In 2015, Bellows Free Academy Saint Albans partnered with Karyn Rocheleau and Trish Woodward to establish a Club Interact chapter. With 15,000 chapters worldwide and over 300,000 students, Interact teaches young people to become social and civic entrepreneurs. Since its inception, the Saint Albans chapter has engaged hundreds of students (70 currently) and collaborated with various community, city, and state stakeholders to raise awareness and address local needs. From the annual coat drive, which collects at least 1,000 coats each year, to regular blood and food drives, Interact empowers our students to identify community issues and equips them with the tools to create positive change.

Living by our motto, “Service Above Self,” Interact students also serve as ambassadors, actively participating in outreach and transition activities to ensure a positive and welcoming experience for new high school students. Interact ambassadors dedicate their time and talents to support countless Move Up Days, evening events, tours, and visits to sending schools.  Recent Interact initiatives include the Annual Coat Drive, Blood Drive, Cereal Drive, Prom Dress Drive, BFA Experience, BFA School Day visits, BFA Move Up Day, Ada’s Closet renovation, fall and summer tours, Eclipse Glasses Reuse Drive, and a senior voting drive currently in progress.