A system allowing student transfer among the three elementary schools within the MRUSD will be implemented in accordance with the parameters outlined in the procedures.

The goal of our schools is to provide the best possible education to each child by utilizing all the resources available to us.

As of July 1, 2017, Franklin Central Supervisory became Maple Run Unified School District. Becoming a single school district comprised of five schools allows us some additional ways to benefit our students.
One of these ways is to allow a limited number of students to transfer from one elementary school into one of the other two participating elementary schools in our district, providing there is room. Once accepted, the student is able to attend the receiving school through the end of grade 8. It is important to note that, transportation is not provided.

If you are interested in having your child take part in the program, please review the procedure and complete an application. Completed forms must be submitted to the physical address or email address on the form by April 15 at 4:00 p.m. You may also request the form from the Superintendent's Office at 28 Catherine St. in St. Albans (802-524-2600). If more than the allowable number of students apply and there are limited openings, a lottery system will be utilized to determine the students who may transfer. Please note that when siblings apply for transfer and one is selected, all siblings are considered selected provided there is room in the grade at the choice school.
Please also note that due to exceptionally large class sizes at SATEC, chances are slim that transfers into SATEC will be able to occur.

It is also important to read the procedures linked at the above address. Specifically, if a student is selected this year, and a sibling is entering kindergarten next year, the younger sibling MUST apply to the lottery to enter the same school as the older sibling. They will get priority, but they MUST apply.