September 9, 2017
LINK TO ANNOUNCEMENTS for Monday September 11th.
September 5, 2017
Important dates. Athletic Schedules. Requests for beginning of school packet information back. LINK TO ANNOUNCEMENTS
September 1, 2017
List of important dates, sports practice times etc.
August 31, 2017
BUS LOADING AND DEPARTURE WEDNESDAY 8-30-2017, the first day of school 2017/2018
LINK TO VIDEO 40 seconds long
August 31, 2017
You can read our daily announcements for Friday, September 1st at the following link. LINK TO THE ANNOUNCEMENTS
August 28, 2017
LINK TO SHORT ARTICLE about a Math Teacher's Workshop and In-service Staff preparation for the upcoming school year.
August 28, 2017
Last Week the Pre-K "cottage" was installed on one corner of school property located on Bellows Street. A huge crane lifted each half of the pre-fabricated building onto its fou...
August 11, 2017
For students, parents, staff and teachers who have had to find alternative routes into the building, the completion of the front entrance steps is a wonderful moment. It has taken...
August 10, 2017
Students created paper different aeroplanes. They then speculated on the how far they expected the planes to fly. Measurements of actual flight distances were collected. On Thurs...
August 10, 2017
Students in Triumph were asked to create a design for their ideal bedroom. Once they determined the room's dimensions and furniture, they researched the items on-line. It was the...
August 10, 2017
On the last day of summer school, and the last day of spirit week, some students came to St. Albans City School dressed to impress. The pictures below capture some of the costume...
August 7, 2017
Children's author and illustrator, Amy Huntington, met 1st-8th-grade summer school students to explain her work, ignite their interest ...
August 4, 2017
It is summer time. Everything is green and temperatures are warm. In summer school recess still happens. Kids master social skills and adults make strong connections with their...
August 4, 2017
Summer school has been moving along wonderfully. There are three weeks total of summer school and two are behind us. The half days to focus on math,...
August 4, 2017
7:30 am to 2:50 pm for 1st-8th Grade
8:15 am to 2:10 pm for PreK and Kindergarten