July 17, 2017
A foundation for a Pre-K building is nearing completion next to the school's maintenance shed. The Pre-K population has expanded beyond the capacity of the current building to sup...
July 14, 2017
St. Albans City School's kitchen is a busy place this summer. Free meals are being prepared and made available at different feeding sites around the city. Kids up through high sch...
July 12, 2017
Eighty kids arrived on Monday to join the first week of summer programming at St. Albans City School. There w...

July 12, 2017
Anyone who walked up the front entrance steps into St. Albans City School in recent years noticed how problematic the stairs were. The metal strips on the edge of many steps had...
July 12, 2017
The bus loop behind the school has been upgraded to better withstand its heavy bus and truck traffic. Incomplete paving had been done nearly two decades ago and the loop showed it...