Maple Run Unified School District operates part-day and full-day preschool programming at Fairfield Center School, St. Albans City School, St. Albans Town Educational Center, and Curiosity Corners Preschool (located in the Northwest Technical Center).
In addition, we partner with Act 166 pre-qualified private and family programs to support family choice of programs to meet their needs and preferences. Follow the link to find out more about our parters.
~ Realizing the Promise of Every Child ~
MRUSD early childhood programs want all children to learn, achieve, and succeed. Our programs are where inquiring minds, compassionate hearts, creative expression, healthy lives, and service to the community develop.
We in the Maple Run Unified School District early childhood program envision an early learning community in which staff:
Unite to achieve a common purpose and clear goals;
Work together and with community partners in collaborative teams;
Seek and implement promising strategies for improving the achievement and outcomes of young children on a continuing basis;
Demonstrate a personal commitment to the academic success and general well being of all students.
Early childhood inclusion embodies the values, policies, and practices to support the rights of every infant, toddler, young child, and their family, regardless of ability. An inclusive experience for all children, and their families, includes a sense of belonging and membership, positive social relationships and friendships, and developmentally appropriate learning to reach their full potential.
We believe that children learn best through play. We operate under the philosophy that children should be given the following opportunities:
To play and learn in an environment that encourages individuality and a sense of community.
To have their parents and caregivers actively involved in their education experiences both in the classroom and during home visiting.
To explore their classroom environment through play and cooperation with other children and teachers.
To learn through the discovery of new ideas, thoughts, and realizations about the world they live in.
To learn in a way that allows for each child’s differences and similarities to be recognized and celebrated.
Core Principles
There are three core principles that guide the Maple Run Unified School District (MRUSD) Early Childhood Program (ECP). These core beliefs are the result of extensive community conversations and a growing body of research and literature that supports the principles as best practice. MRUSD ECP strives to fulfill the promise of the programs, services, and other resources designed to support young children and their families in our community, These principles are touchstones that help us ask the right questions and give us a common language with which to discuss issues.
Collaboration: We must all work together, as a community, to create the outcomes we desire for young children and their families. We respectfully listen to, encourage, and appreciate the child’s, and their family’s, voice in order to meet their diverse needs.
Inclusion: Young children learn best when in a developmentally appropriate classroom with their peers.
Accessibility: Services, programing, and resources in the school and local community must be easy to access and understand.
We recognize that families and children are the foundation of this program and our community. Parent participation and empowered voices are the key to successful and quality services for our children.