Thank you for collecting follow-up water samples at your facility that had initial results at or above the action level as part of the statewide testing of school and child care drinking water for lead. A summary of your follow-up test results is included at the end. One week from today the results will be publicly available online at leadresults.vermont.gov

 Your Results: 

·         All the taps sampled had results BELOW the action level of 4 part per billion (ppb), and no further action is necessary now. 

·         All of the taps that were remediated can now be used again for consumption. 

 Here are the steps you need to take: 

·         You must share the test results with parents, guardians and staff within 10 business days after receiving this report. Sample notification letters are available at  healthvermont.gov/leadtest-schools and are translated into nine languages.  

For licensed child care programs (preschool or afterschool) that operate in a school:  

o    The school is responsible for sharing these test results with the child care provider once the school receives them. 

o    The school is responsible for providing the notification letter to the child care program.  

o    The child care program is responsible for sending out the letters to parents, guardians and staff within 10 business days of the school receiving the results.  

 Thank you for taking this important step in creating a healthy environment for Vermont children.  


 Katherine Grenier

Customer Services Supervisor

VT Department of Health Laboratory