Image of outdoor graduation at the CPSC

May 3, 2022

Dear Seniors and Families:

The end of year activities are starting this week! See the calendar below.

On June 1st, seniors will pick up their caps and gowns during enrichment in the cafeteria.  The cost of the cap and gown is $23. Cash or check made payable to Balfour.

Please let me know if you, your family, or any of your guests at graduation, require special needs or handicap accommodations (wheelchair, hearing impaired, etc.).  I will provide a list of this information to our graduation ushers and ensure that we take care of those needs.

Once again, here is an image of our end of year events:

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me 802-527-6400.


Theresa Callan

Graduation Coordinator