Dear Seniors and Families:

Wow!! My last Tuesday senior communication prior to graduation! Prom was a huge success and we certainly “fired up” the week of senior events! I sincerely hope you all enjoy these events and make memories that will last forever!

Today, we are having our cap and gown distribution event. For those that can’t make today’s event, caps and gowns MUST be picked up no later than Thursday from the Principal’s Office. I will be sending out separate emails informing those seniors who still need to pick up their caps and gowns.

Also, today, WCAX will be broadcasting graduation announcements. Be sure to watch for the BFA Class of 2021 video clip.

Here is the link to watch the live stream of graduation by Northwest Access TV:

A message from IT:

Return Senior Chromebooks

All devices, Chromebooks, laptops, and power adapters, need to be returned to the IT area. All Chromebooks and laptops need to be returned with the power adapter that was assigned to them.

If you need to use this device to finish up work, contact Mrs. Woodworth ( in IT to make arrangements.

 As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me 802-527-6400. I look forward to seeing you at graduation and I wish all of the seniors the very best with their future endeavors.


Theresa Callan

Graduation Coordinator