I’d like to start by sending out a huge “thank you” for the donations we’ve gotten so far and a reminder that the signup genius is still open.  Click here for the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0B4EACAB2CA1F85-bfasenior

Here are a few updates:

  • We are working on plans to change the Friday, June 11th potluck to a more covid safe venue.  We will provide more information once the details are finalized.

  • As graduation gets closer, I will be sending out a pre-registration form for senior families to complete. This will include names of those who will be attending and IF you’d like to provide vaccination information. We will use this information to expedite checking you in at the start of graduation and will be used, if needed, for contact tracing purposes.

  • Please see the attached poster and info sheet on “Prom Fire”.

Details for senior week and our culminating events calendar were sent out last week. If you have any questions with any of the information, feel free to reach out to me at 802-527-6400.


Theresa Callan

Graduation Coordinator

Additional Senior Reminders:


  • It’s that time to find your favorite baby picture for the senior slide show this year.  Please scan and send the baby pics to Chris Pepin at cpepin@maplerun.org

  • Please also complete the “Where are you going” online survey as soon as possible.  You can find the link to this survey in your email.  Please contact Mrs. Parent in Room A-314 or jparent@maplerun.org with any questions.

  • Please go to the Nurse’s Office for a health screening.