Greetings BFA/NCTC Community, 

We recently had two members of our school community test positive for COVID-19. All staff and students who are involved have been notified via a phone call or direct conversation.  If you have not been contacted you or your children are not a close contact. As with every possible case, we work directly with the state health department and will continue to take our guidance from them.

Covid-19 cases in Franklin County currently remain high in comparison to the past months. We are proud that BFA/NCTC has remained open all year and BFA's plan is to continue our hybrid learning model in order to allow a continuity of learning for our students while increasing our chances for holding important year-end events. Our school has not been the cause of a single positive Covid-19 case and this is due, in large part, to the vigilance of our staff and the amazing cooperation and positive attitude of our students while in our building.

In order to further increase our chances of remaining open for our students, and holding senior events, we will need our greater community to assist us. With that in mind, we encourage all staff, students, and families to follow all the necessary Covid-19 guidelines (wearing masks, staying home when sick, physical distancing, and handwashing) and communicate with one of our nurses if you or your children might have symptoms. 

On behalf of our students, we thank you for your assistance and understanding.


Brett Blanchard, BFA Principal 

Leeann Wright, Director, Northwest Career & Technical Center