Quarter 1 Report Card and Progress Reports
Q1 Report Cards and S1 Progress Reports will go live on the Unified Classroom at 4:30 this evening. The following letter will answer some questions you may have about how to read the reports. This letter will be mailed out with the reports and the Semester 2 schedule next week.
Dear parent/guardian;
Enclosed please find your students quarter one report card. This report card includes BFA quarter-long (.5 credit) and semester-long (1 credit) classes.
- Quarter-one scores are final and reflected as a letter grade in the completed course scores section. Quarter-one proficiency scores are listed under the Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements section.
- Semester-long scores are a progress report located in the S1 column, reflected as a numeric proficiency score.
- On transcripts, when courses are completed scores will be reflected as both a numeric grade and a traditional letter grade.
NCTC: Students who are enrolled in NCTC courses will receive a separate report from Northwest Career & Technical Center. Per the Vermont State Board of Education Career and Technical Education State Board Regulations, NCTC recommends credit and shared scores to be translated and transcripted by the sending high schools. This translation will occur at the end of the semester.
Incompletes: Students who had incomplete (INC) scores resulting from the spring 2020 semester were scheduled into Proficiency Recovery periods during semester one Enrichment. Incompletes from the spring can only be remediated until the end of semester one. To see which recovery sections your student is scheduled in, refer to their schedule list view in Powerschool.
There are two more Proficiency Recovery blocks available before the end of the semester:
Nov 16-Dec 11 and Dec 14-Jan 15. On January 22nd all classes that are still INC from last spring will be changed to Credit Denied (CD). Those classes will have to be retaken to earn credit. If you have questions about your students INC's please reach out to their advisor or counselor.
Academic Awards and Recognition:
We remain committed to recognizing and celebrating academic excellence within a proficiency-based system.
Latin Honors used in senior year based on cumulative GPA
• Summa Cum Laude: 3.9 GPA or better
• Magna Cum Laude: 3.7 - 3.89 GPA
• Cum Laude: 3.5 - 3.69 GPA
Semester Honor Roll
• No Final Course Score below a 3.0
• TS2 and TS4 must be 3’s or better
Semester High Honor Roll
• No Final Course Score below a 3.0, at least 50% of final course scores of A (3.5 or better)
• TS2 and TS 4 must be 3’s or better
Yearly Academic Pin Awards
• Bronze = 3.5 or better for school year
• Silver = 3.7 or better for school year
• Gold Pin = 3.9 or better for the school year
For more information go to the Parent/Student Handbook.
BFA School-Wide Scoring Guide