Today’s Lunch:
Maple Apple French Toast Bake
Real Maple Syrup
Sweet & White Homefries
Fluffy Warm Biscuit
Daily Soup
Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Good luck to the following sports teams as they compete this weekend:
- Varsity Football at Essex @ 7:00 p.m.
- JV & Varsity Boys Soccer HOST SBHS @ 4:30 p.m.
- Cross-Country at Randolph Invite @ 10:00 a.m.
- Freshman Girls & Boys Soccer HOST Enosburg @ 10:00 a.m.
The BFA Weight Room will be open today from 3:00-4:00 p.m.
There will be a Ski & Snowboard Club meeting on Monday, September 16th @ 3:00 p.m. in the Library for any students interested in joining. Please see Mr. Pepin or Mrs. Walker if you cannot attend.
Is it time to think about quitting nicotine? Do you know what’s in your vape? We are welcoming you to attend a 10-week confidential group called Build a Better Bagel. The group meets every Wednesday during Enrichment, starting on 9/18! Please see Nurse Val, Nurse Jodi, or Ashlie Olio for more information.
VTC is coming to BFA for a visit. The college representative will be here on Wednesday, September 18th at 8:45 a.m. during Enrichment. If you are interested in attending a presentation, please stop in the Guidance Office and sign up. Please take a pass for your Enrichment teacher to sign giving you permission to attend.
The International Club will have its first meeting of the year in Madame Waite’s room (A-220) during Enrichment on Friday, September 20th. This club is open to all BFA students who are interested in learning about and celebrating international cultures. New members are encouraged to attend! Please check in with your Enrichment teacher before coming. See Madame Waite if you have questions.
The BFA Logo Design Contest is back! If you like graphic design or art, you should consider creating a new and exciting BFA logo. All students are invited to submit a design, the student body will vote on their favorites, and the winner will be announced at the Homecoming Pep Rally. The winning logo design will be printed on all the spirit wear sold by Student Council this year! Guidelines are available here or pick up a hard copy in the Main Office.
ATTENTION SOPHOMORES & JUNIORS: Don’t forget to sign-up to take your PSAT’s. They will be given on Wednesday, October 16th from 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the Collins-Perley Sports Center. The cost is $20 or if you have free and reduced lunch you can get a waiver. Sign-up in the Guidance Office. This is your only chance this year to take this test. Deadline for signing up is Friday, October 11th.