Image of BFA logo with graduation cap

Senior Class Meeting RECAP


Much was reviewed at yesterday's class meeting; if you missed it, here's a recap:

- 5/30 & 5/31: Senior DUI Event during Advisory in the front of the connector parking lot. 
          * North building advisories & NCTC on 5/30; South Building advisories on 5/31
- Baby pictures: Please send in a baby/toddler photo of yourself to either Ms. Parent or your fabulous President Emma Archambault by Friday, June 2nd to be included in a slide show.

- Class Gift: Check out how you are leaving your mark at BFA! (See attached image below.)

- Most importantly, did you see the "End-of-year Senior Events" button on our homepage?  Each key event is active and linked with all the details to answer questions students or parents may have.  (PLEASE TAKE A MINUTE AND FILL OUT THIS FORM BY THIS FRIDAY, 5/26, SO WE GET A HEADCOUNT FOR BAY DAY BBQ/YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION.)

Preview this 8 min edited graduation video from previous years so you can SEE what's expected of you this year!

Let the countdown continue!