Schedules can be found in our Daily Announcements

Click Here for the Daily Announcements

Participant and Spectator Behavior

Participating schools, in conjunction with The Vermont Principals’ Association, the Vermont Superintendents Association, and the Vermont School Athletic Directors Association require participants and spectators to behave in a respectful manner. Sportsmanship and a safe playing environment are the top priorities for all Vermont school-sponsored activities.

Vermont law requires learning environments free from hazing, harassment, and bullying of any kind. This is especially true with respect to a person’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, ethnic differences, or disability. Under no circumstances should any student athletes, officials, or coaches, be subjected to behavior and/or language aimed to demean, disrespect or harm.

If behavior or hate speech of this kind is observed and/or reported, the officials will stop the event immediately to meet with the coaches and the site administrator about the next course of action. Possible outcomes of violating this expectation include:

  • An immediate ejection from the event

  • Ending the event early and returning home

  • Possible forfeiture of the event or future events

  • Resuming the game without fans

  • Scheduling future games without fans

  • Restrictions/suspensions from future attendance/participation

Adults and student athletes are encouraged and expected to work together to ensure a meaningful and safe learning environment for our communities to grow and thrive together. Thank you to all participants for helping ensure the highest levels of respect and safety for all.

Addresses for Game Sites

Addresses for Away Game Sites

Click here for the document with a listing of addresses for away game site locations: Click for the link