The Health Office is open from 8:00 AM until 2:50 PM, Monday through Friday when school is in session.
General Contact: (ph) 802-752-2260 (email)
If your student has specific health concerns, please contact their nurse case manager:
Student Last Name beginning with A-K = Valarie Lipka, BSN, RN
Student Last Name beginning with L-Z = Janessa Deal, MSN, RN
An updated Student Health Information Form must be completed at the beginning of each school year for all BFA/NCTC students.
A medical note from a primary health care provider is required for students enrolled in Physical Education and or dance classes that need to be excused from active participation in a class or classes. Without a physician's documentation, BFA/NCTC school nurses cannot excuse a student from active participation in a PE or a Dance class for more than one class period.
BFA follows the state “Return to Learn” protocols for head injuries and concussions.
When a health-related disability is such that a student cannot meet the objectives of a course, the parent should notify the school nurse and guidance counselor to work out an alternative.
At the request of a BFA/NCTC administrator, the school nurse will conduct a DITEP Assessment which evaluates possible impairment from substances. The administrator requesting the assessment is responsible for contacting the parent/guardian.
If students become ill during the school day, they must go to the Health Office in order to be released from school.
If a student has a temperature of 100.4 or greater, they will be released from school. They may not return until they are fever free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication.
The health office does not lend assistive devices such as crutches, wheelchairs, or canes.
Guidelines for Prescription Drugs and Over-the-counter Medications
Students who possess any medication other than authorized emergency medications may face disciplinary action.
No teacher or staff member can provide any form of medication to a student unless trained by the nurse.
Students should never accept any medications from another student.
Medication may be given by the school nurse, or a person designated and trained by the school nurse, with written orders from a physician, and upon written request of a student's parent or guardian. The physician's orders must detail the name of the drug, dosage, time interval the medication is to be taken, diagnosis, and reason for giving.
Medication must be brought to school by an adult in its original container or a container labeled by the pharmacy or physician and stored by the school nurse or his or her designee in a secure storage place.
All medications, with the exception of emergency medications, shall have been administered previously at home with no ill effects from the medication.
Students with life-threatening allergies or asthma, who have an emergency action plan signed by the physician and parent, shall be permitted to possess and self-administer emergency medication at school, on school grounds, at school-sponsored activities, on school-provided transportation and during school-related programs.
Non-prescription medication must be accompanied by a written request from the parent or guardian. Medication must be in its original container and left in the custody of the school nurse.
For more information, please refer to MRUSD Procedure C30p